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Quick Learning: General Tips and Helpful Hints

Modern life increasingly requires a person to be able to learn quickly and master new skills. Results in the most important areas of life, and success in life in general, and self-esteem, and self-realization, and much more depend on this. This skill gives a person quite tangible advantages over other people and allows you to reach new heights. And today we want to share with you some useful ideas on the topic of fast learning.

Quick Learning Tips and Helpful Hints

General Recommendations For Quick Learning

If we analyze the personality traits of successful people, we can single out one characteristic feature: no matter how old they are and what they do, they are able to quickly learn new things and never allow the lack of any competencies to complicate their lives or prevent them from achieving success. According to scientists, there are seven main recommendations that will help anyone start learning faster.

Divide The Process Into Short Intervals

When studying something, you should not try to learn everything in one sitting. Learning anything is much more effective if you divide the process into small intervals, for example, 40-50 minutes. Doing less is unproductive, and doing more is too tiring for the brain. It has been scientifically proven that continuous work has a tiring effect on the brain, and if you do not give it a rest, it will simply cease to perceive information. And this can lead to serious overwork and burnout. For this reason, each hour take breaks for 10-15 minutes, and after that begin once more. After a short break, productivity and concentration will be much higher.

Add Variety To Your Learning Process

Oddly enough, but continuous memorization and repetition of the same thing does not at all guarantee effective memorization. Today there are many different ways to remember information: refocusing, reading thoughtfully, writing down interesting ideas, etc. Combine new techniques with your usual way of learning, and there will be much more to be stored in memory. An experiment was even conducted on this topic: the students were divided into two groups and given the task to master the topic. Students who used the same teaching method all the time (for example, reading) mastered the material worse than students who used different methods. As for the techniques themselves, you can read about them in our articles “How to learn to better absorb what you read” and “7 rules for remembering information”.

Take Notes

Yes, note-taking like notes is practiced by many people today. But most do it on a computer, tablet or smartphone. However, experts recommend acting the old fashioned way - using paper and a pen. By writing down something by hand, we not only use motor memory but also delve into the information much better. But the constant appeal to different gadgets, of course, is useful, but, in fact, it is just a record of words and sentences. In addition, keeping records for training in electronic devices is not very convenient, plus there are a lot of distractions - alerts, messages, emails, etc.

Stop Multitasking

It is hard enough to reach the maximum level of productivity if you are doing several things at the same time. Not only is attention constantly rushing about, and there is practically no concentration, so also none of the cases will be done efficiently. The brain, which is required to be torn between tasks all the time, perceives information very poorly, and there is nothing surprising in the fact that learning is progressing "in a teaspoon per hour." If you want to learn faster, forget about everything in the world: turn off all gadgets, put your phone on “vibrate”, tell your family not to distract you, etc. Even if you devote 15 minutes a day to studying, nothing else should exist for you in those 15 minutes.

Rest And Sleep

For the full assimilation of new information (both knowledge and skills), the brain needs periodic rest, including sleep. The publication "Psychological Science" conducted an experiment not so long ago. Volunteers were chosen for him and isolated into two bunches. Both groups had two sessions to learn how to translate words from French into Swahili. The first group worked out on the same day in the morning and in the evening, and the second - in the evening of one day and in the morning of the second (as you know, there was a dream between classes). As a result, the results of the second group were 25% better than the first. So if you want to learn faster, be sure to rest and sleep, you can even sleep in small intervals during the day (check out our article "Alternative Ways to Sleep").

Change The Environment

A change of environment during learning works exactly like a change in teaching methods - a person learns faster and better. Try to study in different places: at home, in the park on a bench, on the beach early in the morning, in a cafe, in a library, etc. Experiment and follow your feelings to understand what environment suits you the most. Some people concentrate better in complete silence, others - among people, others - to the sounds of nature. Look for your "magic formula". Among other things, you may associate certain people, objects and events with some information and skills, and this will help you remember and assimilate them much better.

Teach Others

One of the best ways to learn something is to start teaching it to someone else. Even if you are not yet very well versed in the topic or have not mastered the skill enough when demonstrating knowledge and skills, information will in any case be structured and better stored in your head, and movements will be honed and brought to automatism. You can teach one of your friends, colleagues or household members, and if there is no real person nearby, you can imagine the interlocutor and tell, explain or show something to this fictional subject. Thus, you will repeatedly increase the percentage of assimilation of information.

And we also think that anyone who wants to learn faster needs to learn a very important principle of learning, which, like the above recommendations, can be safely called basic. But we will not talk about it - better watch a short video on this topic.

The learning process does not end either with graduation from school or with graduation from the institute. It continues throughout life. Driving a car, mastering computer programs, raising children, and much more - the human brain receives, processes, and absorbs new information all the time. But the speed of these processes changes - if in childhood we acquired knowledge and mastered many skills very quickly, then with age it becomes more difficult to learn. Therefore, next we want to talk about how to make the brain work better at almost any age.

Prevention Of The Brain Or How To Learn Faster Always

The brain is a complex machine. Often it is even compared to a very powerful computer. And if you draw an analogy, it is easy to understand that, like any mechanism or computer, it requires systematic maintenance. Something else, it'll be difficult for him to manage with the assignments. Here are a few propensities you'll learn to form learning less demanding and quicker:

  • sports. As repeated scientific studies have shown, physical activity helps not only to improve health and train the body, but also improve brain performance. When you feel like your brain is overworked, take a break and go for a run, do a simple exercise, or go for a swim in the pool. After 15 minutes, you will notice that you have become better at concentrating, and your thinking has become clearer.

  • meditation. This practice has been known since very ancient times, and people used it both for relaxation, stress relief, and calming thoughts, as well as for improving memory, concentration, and other abilities that are very important in life in general and in learning in particular.

  • drinking water. You yourself probably know very well why you need to drink water (if not, read our article “10 reasons to drink water every day”). Here we will only say that scientists from the University of East London found that ordinary drinking water contributes to better concentration and solving complex problems. The Daily Mail published the results of a study according to which people who are thirsty think 14% slower than those who regularly drink water.

  • The use of Omega-3. These acids are simply irreplaceable, because. normalize nervous processes and restore them if they have been disturbed. These include memory, speed of thought, and attention. So if you want your brain to work better, eat walnuts, pumpkin seeds, halibut, sardine, mackerel, and salmon. And if you like salads, add linseed oil to them - it's tasty and healthy.

  • Healthy sleep. And once again we are talking about sleep. Getting enough sleep is a must for the brain to function stably and efficiently. Thanks to sleep, the speed of perception increases, the ability to make decisions and make the right conclusions improves, and a high level of intelligence is provided. By the way, if you re-read a lecture or a poem before going to bed or repeat important material, the information will be better fixed in your memory during the night.

  • Hobbies and hobbies. As has been said more than once, constantly engaging in one activity is not at all useful and even harmful. You need to be distracted to give your brain a proper rest. And experts recommend switching to some interesting classes. Try to find a passion or hobby for yourself that will be associated with concentration and coordination. An example is juggling. There was even a study that showed that regular juggling has a positive effect on brain function. In general, you can also engage in some interesting intellectual work, for example, solving charades, riddles, puzzles, guessing crosswords and scanwords, games for the development of thinking, etc.

  • Fun and entertainment. It has been known for hundreds of years that laughter not only improves mood and vitality, but also promotes creativity, neutralizes negative emotions, helps to find solutions to many problems and even achieve goals faster.

Such a simple prevention of the brain will help you always be positive and more successfully cope with various tasks, including educational ones. However, the learning process can be greatly improved in other ways. Let's see what else we can do to learn faster.

Optimization Of The Learning Process

In reality, learning quick isn't as troublesome because it might appear. To do this, you do not need to train for years, study sophisticated techniques and comprehend the practices of spiritual growth. It is enough just to approach the learning process with a head and build it properly. What this means, you will now find out.

So, to optimize the learning process, use this set of recommendations:

  • "Knead" the brain. Before you plunge into the training completely, have a little fun to get ready for work. Just shake your brain a little. To do this, you can solve a couple of simple tasks, remember a poem, pick up a dozen synonyms for a word, etc. Fair as the body ought to warm up before a workout, the brain ought to warm up some time recently you begin utilizing it. 

  • Arrange the space. The environment in which you ponder things a part. You should be comfortable, and to create this very comfort, you need to work in a clean and orderly manner. If you study at home, clean up the rubble, remove everything superfluous from the table, optimize the workspace. Do not neglect what we also already talked about - a change of scenery. The as it were thing you ought to not do is attempt to memorize something whereas lying in bed. The intuitive naturally partners it with sleep, and indeed if you're decided, it'll be troublesome for you to concentrate, and over time you may indeed need to rest.

  • Reduce material. As you study something, you will most likely take notes. But you should not write "sheets" of the text in your notebook. For example, Tim Ferriss, author of several books on effective learning and work, says that when taking notes and memorizing, the material should be reduced as much as possible. It is best if all important information is compressed to a volume of 1-2 pages using abbreviations, symbols, and rhymes. It is equally effective to accompany records with mental maps, charts, graphs, and tables - they help to minimize the amount of data, and are also much easier to perceive, remember and reproduce more accurately.

  • Use different learning formats. The more diverse are the sources from which you draw knowledge, the greater will be the percentage of their assimilation. Here the principle of activation of different parts of the brain comes into force - if all of them are involved and work in concert, then the information will be perceived and remembered better and faster. Read books, textbooks, and articles, watch videos, listen to audio, take notes, type, and speak out loud. Naturally, you don't need to do all this at the same time - just alternate between different formats. After a few hours, you will notice that you have begun to understand and remember much more.

  • Apply metacognition. The presented term can be characterized as the ability of a person to be aware of his own consciousness. This means that you analyze your thought process, determine the ability to perform tasks, set and evaluate goals that may be suitable for this. When working even with very complex material, do not pay attention to the first impression, but evaluate your ability to master and assimilate it. If you are learning as fast as you would like, if there are any problems, find ways to fix it all: learn new methods, diversify the process, contact a specialist, read the forums, etc. The better you know your own perception of information, the more productive your learning will be.

  • Connect knowledge with each other. The information you learn about a topic is most likely not new, but simply complements what you already have. Therefore, new knowledge should be regarded not as something isolated and fundamentally new, but should be tried to correlate it with already acquired knowledge. If you form the habit of mentally comparing and linking what you are learning with what you have already learned, you will be able to learn more effectively and faster. Theory and practice - all the experience that you have should add up to one big holistic picture in your mind. It is much easier to isolate this or that information from it than to try to find individual grains of information.

  • Project into practice. Many people make the mistake of completely losing sight of the area of ​​applicability of the acquired knowledge. As a result, they become useless baggage, overwritten and forgotten - so you have to learn, cram, endlessly repeat. If you need to remember something for a long time, try projecting what you know into the realm of action. Formulas and theorems are easily verified in solving problems, facts are established through reference to encyclopedias or empirically, skills are honed through repeated repetitions. If you know where and how you can apply something, and even more so if you try to do it yourself, the knowledge will be firmly entrenched in your memory.

  • Check yourself . Don't wait for a test, a test, or an exam. As soon as you have learned, studied, learned something, immediately proceed to self-examination. Come up with tests for yourself, ask acquaintances, family, and friends to arrange a small survey for you, use the Internet - today you can find questions and tests in a variety of areas there. This approach will show you your weaknesses, you will understand what else you need to learn, what to master, what to practice a little more. It is important not just mechanical memorization, but understanding and deep assimilation. And self-examination contributes to this in the best possible way.

  • Learn with someone. Learning or mastering something can be pretty boring. But if you find like-minded people, the process can become much more interesting. Study at school or institute - study with classmates and classmates, improve your skills at work - involve a colleague in classes, learn something just for yourself - interest a friend or other half in this. Teamwork, even if the team consists of only two people, always argues easier, allows you to concentrate better, organize the process more efficiently. In addition, having a partner, you can always be distracted for 10-15 minutes, laugh, talk on distant topics.

 Even if something seems difficult and "unbearable" to you, roll up your sleeves and get to work. As you know, the work of the master is afraid. Any information can be studied and understood, and any skill can be mastered with due diligence. The whole point lies in the personal attitude and mood. If you believe in yourself and strive for success, nothing will stop you. And, of course, develop your abilities, train your brain, and increase your intelligence. Self-development will allow you to "pump" your abilities and improve results.

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